Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Guns Maker Great Gifts

Are you shopping for a person who is impossible to buy gifts for? This can be a frustrating situation. You want to impress this person by giving him or her a great gift. However, you also need to be sure the gift is very cool and something they will be interested in. Every person is different in terms of their tastes and interests. This will allow you to be creative when it comes to your gift buying. One gift you may have never considered giving to your friends or family members is a gun. Here are several of the main reasons why guns make great gifts.

Many people like guns

There are definitely some people out there who are not fans of firearms. However, the odds are very good that the person you decide to give a gun to will think that it is a cool and creative gift. At the end of the day, you really have nothing to lose. Even if the person is turned off by your gun gift, you can simply get a refund for it. A gun is something that many people want to own. For one reason or another, these people who want to own a gun never get around to actually buying it. In many cases, a person may live with someone who is against gun ownership. Having children in the house is another common reason for people not following through and buying a gun they want. Your gift may end up being something they thought they would never own. You can browse some guns for gift ideas at

Guns are fun

Guns can be used in a few ways. If you want to blow off some steam, you can head over to your local firing range and blast away to relieve your stress. If you live out in the country, you can just line up some tin cans and create your own firing range to have some fun with your buddies. Shooting guns together is a great way to bond with your friends and family.

Guns are great for protection

Does the person you are buying a gift for live in a bad neighborhood? Has he or she been mugged in the past? If this is the case, this person clearly needs a gun for self defense. There is no reason a person should be forced to live in fear every day of their life.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Great horned owls released at Schriever

by Staff Sgt. Debbie Lockhart
50th Space Wing Public Affairs

10/2/2015 - SCHRIEVER AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. -- Three young great horned owls were released outside the Electronic Warfare Center at Schriever Air Force Base, Colorado, Tuesday, Sept. 29, 2015, following five months of rehabilitation at the Ellicott Wildlife Rehabilitation Center after falling from the roof of the EWC.

Steven Sanchez, Electronic Warfare Center building manager, found the baby owls in late April and immediately called the rehabilitation center to care for the babies.

"They fell out of their nest, which was on top of our two-story building," said Sanchez. "I didn't know what to do with the birds. I didn't want to leave them on their own, so I started inquiring and found out that Ellicott has an animal sanctuary."

According to their website, "Ellicott Wildlife Rehabilitation Center provides compassionate care to sick, injured and orphaned wild birds and mammals in Colorado for the purposes of release and education."

"The owls we retrieved from Schriever were what we call 'branchers,' which means they've outgrown the nest and bounce from place to place," said Donna Ralph, Ellicott Wildlife Rehabilitation Center executive director. "It's an accident - they were moving around, discovering their feet and they fell."

After the wildlife center retrieved the owls, an initial physical examination was completed. It was determined none of the owls were injured after falling from their nest, and they all could begin the rehabilitation process.

"Once we've ascertained that everything is in good physical working order, they go out with our foster owl, Hootie," said Ralph.

Hootie is a non-releasable great horned owl who has lived at the wildlife center for more than a decade and plays an important role in the rehabilitation process.

"Hootie raises the babies to be properly socialized to owls - essentially teaching them how to be owls and how to hunt," said Ralph. "I provide the food, but Hootie does everything else. She is incredible."

After months of rehab and an evaluation, it was determined the three owls retrieved from Schriever Air Force Base were ready to be released.

"That is the point of the program," said Ralph. "I will tell you, we worry about them. We always have and always will, but at the same time you realize, that's what these owls want -- they want to be free."

Sanchez, who initially found the owls and called for help was invited to help release the birds.

"I think it is great - I don't know how many owls this place can actually have because of the trees they would need, but it is nice to know they are finding places on Schriever to live," said Sanchez.

Warfare center personnel came out to witness the release of the owls and many said they hope the owls stick around.

"If the two parent owls are comfortable and share their territory, they could stay around here for a while," said Ralph. "They could be chased out, but this time of year the owls are more likely to share their territory."